All of the following are known to be stressors for the immune system. See how you do on this checklist. The more of these you answer yes to…the more stressed your immune system may be.
A diet high in processed and/or sugary foods
Allergies or food sensitivities
Amalgam dental fillings
Close family member with a degenerative illness
Exposure to poor quality air on a daily basis
Feeling tired or under the weather most of the time
Frequent colds or flu
Gastrointestinal problems
Lack of exercise
Less than eight hours sleep a night/insomnia
Living in or near a major city or busy street
Living near high voltage power lines, cell phone towers, or nuclear power plant
Living under constant emotional stress
Recurring yeast infections
Regular consumption of tap water or sodas
Signs of premature aging
Smoking and/or drinking alcohol frequently
Teeth marks around side of the tongue
Using a computer or cell phone daily
Using a microwave oven regularly