Fiber is an important aspect of you diet in many ways:
it helps keep you satiated by making you feel full sooner and longer
it acts as a scrub brush for your intestines helping to keep them clean and move more efficiently
it slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream so your blood sugar levels can remain stable
Our recommended daily allowances of fiber, around 25g per day, can be too low for most people. Best practice is to slowly increase your fiber intake with whole foods until you find the intake that feels best for you. Most therapeutic fiber doses are closer to 35g. The following are lists of the easiest and yummiest ways to get your fiber!
Top 5 Fruits for Your Diet
Raspberries/Blackberries 8g fiber/1cup
Pears 6g fiber/1 medium
Apples 4g fiber/1 medium
Oranges 3g fiber/1 medium
Bananas 3g fiber/1 medium
** Other good choices: Papaya, Kiwi, Blueberries, Strawberries, Guava, Mango, Peach
Top 5 Vegetables for Your Diet
Avocado 14g fiber/1 medium
Broccoli 5g fiber/1 cup
Spinach 4g fiber/1 cup
Sweet Potato 4g fiber/1 medium
Carrots 5g fiber/1 cup
** Other good choices: Corn, Green Cabbage, Beets, Kale, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Romaine Lettuce
Top 5 Beans for Your Diet
Navy Beans 10g fiber/ ½ cup
Lentils 8g fiber/ ½ cup
Pinto Beans 8g fiber/ ½ cup
Black Beans 8g fiber/ ½ cup
Kidney Beans 6g fiber/ ½ cup
** Other good choices: Lima beans, Garbanzo beans, Black-Eyed peas, green peas, green beans
Top 5 Nuts and Seeds for Your Diet
Chia Seeds 11g fiber/ 1oz
Flaxseeds 8g fiber/ 1oz
Almonds 4g fiber/ 1oz
Sunflower Seeds 2g fiber/ 1oz
Peanuts 2g fiber/ 1oz
** Other good choices: Walnuts, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Brazil Nuts, Pumpkin Seeds
Top 5 Grains for Your Diet
Wheat 8g fiber/ 1 cup
Pearl Barley 6g fiber/ 1 cup
Quinoa 5g fiber/ 1 cup
Oats 4g fiber/ 1 cup
Brown Rice g fiber/ 1 cup
** Other good choices: Rye flakes, Buckwheat groats, whole-grain cornmeal, wild rice, millet